Category: Legal

This category has to do with legal and political issues. These may be also human right, mental health rights, and religious issues.

Senator’s campaign just a cover for a new tax

23 July 2010 Last week’s Senate inquiry into the private member’s bill, the Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010, was only allowed to

Religious News On-Line

Monday April 11 TALLAHASSEE – Legislation backed by an offshoot of the Church of Scientology aims to discourage public school students from seeking mental health

Church of Scientology International & Religious Technology Center Win in Court Against Former Member

5 Feb 2010 On April 2, 2010, the United States District Court, Central District of California (Case No. CV 09-3987 DSF (FFMx)) granted a motion


Committee of Privileges 143rd Report Report1.1 On 11 January 2010 the President of the Senate, Senator the Hon. John Hogg, received a submission from the

Judging religion and charity

22 July 2010 Senator Nick Xenophon’s back-door approach to bring Scientology under scrutiny through an ill-conceived Tax Amendment Bill on charities has had the effect of alarming

Statement From The Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology welcomes today’s decision by the major parties to refuse to support Senator Nick Xenophon’s call for an inquiry into the Church

The Scientology Inquisition

The Senate, Scientology and Steve: CRIKEYMonday, 15 March 2010 / Niall Clugston writes: Re. “Sport yes, taxpayer subsidy of abuse no — the logic of Senate inquiries” (yesterday,

Statement From The Church of Scientology

11 March, 2010 For more information, contact: Vicki Dunstan (02) 9638-5200 The Church of Scientology welcomes the major parties’ decision today not to support

Church Responds to Fourth Xenophon Allegation

Media Release: Church of Scientology Australia 2009-11-27 14:40:20Publication: AAP PR ReleasesMedia release distributed by AAP Medianet.27 November 2009 In a speech in the Senate last week,

Xenophon ‘ignored Scientology invite’ AAP

November 20,2009, 9:07 am The Church of Scientology says independent senator Nick Xenophon ignored an invitation to meet with church officials before he used parliamentary