The Workings of Scientology: A guide for media

An overview:

This document was developed to help the media better understand the Church of Scientology and addresses a number of misunderstandings about the religion.

Firstly, the document examines Scientology’s global reach, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

The introduction to Scientology’s beliefs & practices addresses topics often discussed in the media, including: The Thetan, Auditing and the E-Meter. This section also addresses misrepresentations about aspects of Scientology, including: the billion-year contract; Scientologists’ objection to psychiatry; suppressive personalities; and myths about aliens.

The Church’s structure is outlined, including: the reasoning behind the Church’s hierarchical structure; David Miscavige’s role as leader; the full-service Scientology churches, Ideal Orgs; and the fraternal religious order, the Sea Org.

The numerous Church supported humanitarian programs across the world, including: the deployment of Volunteer Ministers; Youth for Human Rights activities; Applied Scholastics and Study Technology classes and training centres; Anti-drug campaigns; the drug rehabilitation program, Narconon; the criminal rehabilitation program, Criminon; the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights; and the non-religious Foundation, The Way to Happiness.

An Australian Church Funding breakdown is included in this guide to address a number of myths and misunderstandings about the cost of Church membership and how Scientology receives funding.

The Church of Scientology is all denominational and this is addressed in The Interfaith Approach.

This document also details the emergence and spread of Scientology, including: the forerunner to Scientology, Dianetics; the naming of Scientology; the religion’s expansion across continents; and the founding of the first church.

Finally, the two primary Scientology symbols are explained.

There are links to relevant webpages throughout the document, should further information be required.

Alternatively, you can contact the Church in Australia. Details below.

Media Contact For further information, images, or interview opportunities please contact:

Vicki Dunstan

Church of Scientology Australia | (02) 9638-5200


Also see the Church of Scientology of Canberra here if you are interested in more. More Media Related posts.

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